In that regard you're going to see new efforts on our part, innovations using technology that we think will enhance the engagement and we think even make the process a little more efficient in terms of your time and so we're excited about that as well. Of course, along the way, over the next several weeks, our efforts and yours will be informed by a - by a fairly significant - public engagement process and as you know, we've tried to make advances in opportunities for the public to participate in the budget development process over the past several, several years.
As you know, we look at this as the official kickoff of the - of the budget development process for you and for the general public and - and the presentation that you are going to receive today really reflects the - the basic context within which we are going to move forward in the budget development process. We are very pleased to have the opportunity to present council with the financial forecasts for this year. To get us started today, I'm going to turn it over to the city manager to introduce our discussion for today. > Good morning, I'm Austin mayor lee leffingwell, a quorum is present, I will call this council budget work session to order on THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 2013, meeting in t board and commission room, Austin city hall h Austin, texas and we're called to order at 9:05 a.M. Transcript Generated by SnapStream Enterprise TV Server